DLG's Correct & Export Problem Solution Fix v1.2 June 21, 1995 Okay, after hearing how everyone (including myself) uses DLG's message correct feature as a god-send, here is a solution I hacked together to ensure that the filenote is re-appended to a message after being corrected so that it will properly export. **CHANGES** Unlike the first release of this fix (seen in a previous message, this version will not die if it comes across a message not having a filenote. It will instead create a new one using the original sender's name and the current date/time. Although this will work fine for PDQ's needs, it will also create a filenote for messages that have been imported. No harm though I suppose :) I also assume that this fix will only work for those who use the [C]orrect feature from the DLG Message Menu. I think 3rd party programs, such as Bob Stouder's exceptional TurboRead, directly access the dlg.library leaving the lacking of a filenote after correcting a message. To make the proper changes, you will need to modify your menu entry for the [C] CORRECT function. Change the menu entry to this: MenuScript: (path/file) DLGConfig:Batch/DLG_Correct.menuscr Overlay NoCLI The rest of the options can probably stay the same. You MUST have LIST, DATE, and FILENOTE in the C: directory, and AREXX must be installed and running!! Now put the following three files into the DLGConfig:Batch/ directory. The first file, the .menuscr, can be entered while changing the menu entry parameters. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ FILE: DLGConfig:Batch/DLG_Correct.menuscr ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BATCH DLGConfig:Batch/DLG_Correct.batch %Msg_AreaNumber %Msg_MsgNumber "%Msg_From" BUILTIN MSG_Correct AREXX DLGConfig:Batch/DLG_Correct.rexx ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ FILE: DLGConfig:Batch/DLG_Correct.batch ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .key area,msgnum,from .bra [ .ket ] echo >t:dlg_correct "MSG:[area]/[msgnum].msg" echo >>t:dlg_correct "[from]" list >>t:dlg_correct msg:[area]/[msgnum].msg nohead ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ FILE: DLGConfig:Batch/DLG_Correct.rexx ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /* restore filenote to msg */ /* jon d. godfrey, re0273 */ call open(d,'T:dlg_correct',R) file = readln(d) from = readln(d) junk = readln(d) note = readln(d) if eof(d)=1 then do address command "c:date >ram:date" call open(a,'ram:date',R) data=readln(a) call close(a) parse var data dayname' 'date' 'time dayname = left(dayname,3) parse var date day'-'month'-'year time = left(time,5) newdate = dayname' 'day' 'month' 'year' 'time note = 'Created: 'newdate', by 'from end else do note = right(note,length(note)-2) end call close(d) operation = 'c:filenote '||file||' "'note'"' address command operation address command "c:delete >NIL: t:dlg_correct" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, I've only done about an three hour's worth of testing and it seems to be doing what it's supposed to. If you got any questions or improvements to offer, please let us all know. An archive containing this text and the three files will also be available for FREQ under the magic name of "CORRECT" at 1:212/1005. --- I show a clear pattern of unpredictability. __ __ /// InterNet: jdgodfre@slonet.org \\\/// Jon Godfrey Fido: 1:212/1005 \XX/ Moderator, Z40_AmySale AmigaNet: 40:409/10